Alice Winterton

Generation number Type of billing

Ancestry list

Generation 1
Alice Winterton (8 Ñåíòÿáðü 1679 - î 1740)

Generation 2
Edward Winterton (24 Íîÿáðü 1637 - î 1700) father of Alice Winterton
Mary Spencer (î 1640 - î 1700) mother of Alice Winterton

Generation 3
Thomas Winterton (19 ßíâàðü 1611 - î 1670) father of Edward Winterton
Mary Carter (î 1615 - î 1680) mother of Edward Winterton

Generation 4
John Winterton (11 Ôåâðàëü 1585 - î 1650) father of Thomas Winterton
Wife (î 1590 - î 1650) mother of Thomas Winterton

Generation 5
Thomas Winterton (î 1560 - î 1620) father of John Winterton
Joan Winterton (î 1560 - î 1620) mother of John Winterton

Total of 9 people / 5 Generation (max=31)


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