List of events by date

Start End

January 18 1650Birth of Rose Lord
January 18 1650Baptism of Rose Lord
February 3 1650Marriage between Thomas Chapman and Ann Kirke
December 29 1650Birth of Eleanor Winterton
December 29 1650Baptism of Eleanor Winterton
May 5 1651Marriage between Dionysius Kyrke and Margarie Gellebrand
June 11 1652Birth of William Kirke
June 11 1652Baptism of William Kirke
December 27 1653Marriage between John Goodman and Elizabeth Carr
February 21 1654Birth of Ann Messenger
February 21 1654Baptism of Ann Messenger
October 18 1654Birth of Ann Kirke
October 18 1654Baptism of Ann Kirke
April 13 1655Birth of Ann Spencer
April 13 1655Baptism of Ann Spencer


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