Individual Genealogy Record of John Bradshaw

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Nascimento1818Enderby Leics.
Falecimento1902 em 84 anos

PaiJobe Bradshaw (6 Dezembro 1789 - Dezembro 1864)
MãeAnn Tansley (26 Dezembro 1790 - Março 1866)

UID 01C18C12A3EA2746B57D8D3F245D83EC48D4
Modificação18 Março 2013 em 195 anos

NotesCould have left the village in 1851 census there is a widow with her children a Mary Bradshaw 29yrs Charwomen born Birmingham/John 9yrs Born birmingham. Martha 6yrs Born Birmingham/William 1yr Born Elains? Worcester.359///13


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