Individual Genealogy Record of William Bicker

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First nameWilliam
Last nameBicker
Ðîæäåíèå24 Èþíü 1855Waltham on Thames Surrey.
Baptism26 Èþíü 1855pr's Waltham on Thames Surrey.
Ñìåðòüî 1920 at 65 years old

FatherEdward Bicker (1 Ìàðò 1822 - î 1880)
MotherAnn Bicker (î 1830 - î 1890)

UnionMartha Bicker (î 1860 - î 1940)
Áðàêî 1880
Child/Children Percy Martin Bicker (î 1882 - 19 ? 1962)
Arther Bicker (î 1883 - 19 ? 1963)
Annie Bicker (î 1886 - 19 ? 1966)
Alfred Bicker (î 1892 - 19 ? 1962)

UID E21269523258BD4CB9665B3C64766491C76F
Baptism26 Èþíü 1855 < 1 years oldpr's Waltham on Thames Surrey.
Change18 Ìàðò 2013 at 158 years old

Notes1901 census Broadham Waltham on Thames Surrey.
To check for death wedding and family.


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