Individual Genealogy Record of Mary Winterton

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First nameMary
Last nameWinterton
Рождение21 Февраль 1664Rothley and Keyham Leics
Baptism21 Февраль 1664Parish ch., Rothley and Keyham Leics
Смертьо 1740 at 76 years old

FatherEdward Winterton (24 Ноябрь 1637 - о 1700)
MotherMary Spencer (о 1640 - о 1700)

UID A8052B9EE99FCE4F93907D5C536A5A2B596A
Baptism21 Февраль 1664 < 1 years oldParish ch., Rothley and Keyham Leics
Change18 Март 2013 at 349 years old

NotesTo check for death and family.


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