Individual Genealogy Record of Mary Moore

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First nameMary
Last nameMoore
Рождение7 Декабрь 1798Lumby Yks.
Baptism13 Январь 1799PR's Lumby Yorks.
Смертьо 1860 at 62 years old

FatherGeorge Moore (19 Февраль 1765 - 3 Октябрь 1811)
MotherRebecca Coward (о 1776 - о 1802)

UID 98D6F723AF9C874E8EBC780CC21D4F44E820
Baptism13 Январь 1799 at 1 years oldPR's Lumby Yorks.
Change18 Март 2013 at 215 years old

NotesTo check for death wedding and family.


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