Individual Genealogy Record of William Oddy Thackray

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First nameWilliam Oddy
Last nameThackray
Рождение5 Июнь 1810Leeds Yorks
Baptism5 Июнь 1810St Peters Leeds Yorks
Смертьо 1870 at 60 years old

FatherRichard Thackray (20 Январь 1789 - 1 Сентябрь 1849)
MotherElizabeth Oddy (24 Февраль 1793 - Декабрь 1851)

UID 29896FF9B354E249AE9472A5EC3E9B2C96E0
Baptism5 Июнь 1810 < 1 years oldSt Peters Leeds Yorks
Change18 Март 2013 at 203 years old

NotesTo check for death and family. a WED of a William Thackray Sept qtr 1839


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