Individual Genealogy Record of Hannah Smith

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First nameHannah
Last nameSmith
Рождениео 1815Austrey Wark's
Смертьо 1899 at 84 years old


UnionJames Starkey (12 Февраль 1810 - 4 Апрель 1880)
Брако 1838most likely Atherstone
Child/Children William Starkey (о 1839 - о 1900)
Michael Starkey (о 1840 - до 1851)
Richard Starkey (о 1841 - о 1900)
James Starkey (о 1846 - о 1910)
Jane Starkey (о 1856 - о 1920)

UID 91F42479559B9748ABC789AEB4FBC7E9F929
Change18 Март 2013 at 198 years old

NotesTo check for birth death and family.


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