Individual Genealogy Record of Abraham Spence

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First nameAbraham
Last nameSpence
ПрофессияFWK Worsted.
Рождение1825Enderby Leics.
Смертьо 1890 at 65 years old

FatherThomas Spence (1790 - до 1851)
MotherAnn Hurst (1788 - после 1851)

UnionMary Ann Spence (о 1826 - о 1890)
Брако 1826
Child/Children Mary Ann Spence (1847 - о 1910)
Thomas Spence (1849 - о 1910)
Agnes Spence (1851 - о 1910)
Isaac Spence (о 1853 - 1910)

UID 826E212A095D9048BB24F326397D360F6C2F
Change18 Март 2013 at 188 years old

Notesto check for death and wedding 365/64 1851 census 26yrs.
census 1861 Living The Grove Enderby Leicestershire Abraham 36 fwk/Mary Ann 35/Thomas 12/Agness 10/Isaac 8/


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