Individual Genealogy Record of Jane Benford

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First nameJane
Last nameBenford
Ðîæäåíèåî 1793Enderby Leics.
Ñìåðòüî 1960 at 167 years old


UnionGeorge Benford (î 1797 - î 1860)
Áðàêî 1820
Child/Children George T Benford (î 1833 - î 1900)
Jabez Benford (î 1836 - î 1900)
Joseph Benford (î 1838 - î 1900)

UID 6BD2988E2A7ACF4FB39B3641943E6CD5FDAC
Change18 Ìàðò 2013 at 220 years old

Notes360 1851 census 54yrs., To check for birth death and family.


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