Individual Genealogy Record of Thomas Tansley

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First nameThomas
Last nameTansley
РождениеCA 1806Enderby Leics.
Baptism5 Март 1806St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Смертьо 1870 at 64 years old

FatherWilliam Tansley (1778 - после 1841)
MotherMary Wilson (о 1781 - после 1841)

UID CEEB81B45ED2EF47933C3B8E54E56A45D496
Baptism5 Март 1806 < 1 years oldSt john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Change18 Март 2013 at 207 years old

NotesTo check for death and family.


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