Individual Genealogy Record of Ann Cope

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First nameAnn
Last nameCope
Ðîæäåíèåî 1801Sheepy Magna Leics.
Ñìåðòüî 1869 at 68 years old


UnionWilliam Starkey (9 Èþíü 1798 - î 1875)
Áðàê9 Ìàé 1836 at 35 years old
Child/Children James Starkey (Îêòÿáðü 1836 - î 1910)
Thomas Starkey (î 1839 - î 1910)
Maria Starkey (î 1843 - î 1851)

UID 3929CF3D256AA24D93935C50E1495081B98A
Change18 Ìàðò 2013 at 212 years old

Notes1851 census living with father Abraham Cope A widow 88yrs Farmer 5.5%Acre's,Born Sheepy Magna


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