Individual Genealogy Record of James Dale

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First nameJames
Last nameDale
Рождение1877Somerby Leics.
Смертьо 1950 at 73 years old

FatherJohn Dale (о 1829 - Декабрь 1904)
MotherRachael Ward (о 1829 - Июнь 1919)

UID DCA6D7789DF8864CB353E9FC42FEFB69C7E0
Change18 Март 2013 at 136 years old

NotesA boarder with the Family Thomas Day Widow age 5 Mistake in IGI.occ Groom. Born Eckington Derby.Would James age be a mistake also.must check
1901 census 17 Rolleston st James 22 Shoemaker born Leicester Boarder


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