Individual Genealogy Record of Caroline Dee

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First nameCaroline
Last nameDee
Рождение1821Hollyvid Hereford
СмертьPRE 1891 at 70 years old

FatherMr Dee
Mothersarah Dee (о 1805 - после 1881)

UnionEdward Spencer (1817 - 1891)
Брак15 Октябрь 1852 at 31 years Ipswich Suffolk
Child/Children Robert E Spencer (1854)
Harry T Spencer (1859)
Albert W Spencer (1861)

UID 3949B7920DA000478564474E8F8C08AB0BED
Change18 Март 2013 at 192 years old

Notes1841 census Caroline Dee Formosa House Cookham age 20
1881 Census 222 Soho Rd Handsworth Sarah Dee Head widow 76 born 1805 London Middlesex/William Dee 56 Son engine fitter Born Pencombe Hereford
Caroline Spencer Daughter 61Born Holly vid Herefordshire/Frederick Dee 21 Cr son railway clerk born Wenesbury Staffs. 1 _TODO
2 DESC see note
2 NOTE death and buriel


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