Individual Genealogy Record of Eliza Gilliver

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Rođen/aokruglo 1819Enderby Leics.
Obavljeno krštenje13 Prosinac 1819St John the Baptist Enderby Leics
Umro/laokruglo 1880 at 61 years old

OtacThomas Gilliver (28 Prosinac 1794 - 14 Travanj 1859)
MajkaMary Ann Peach (30 Kolovoz 1796 - 27 Veljača 1853)

UnionRobert Hemmings (okruglo 1820 - okruglo 1880)
Sklop. brak24 Prosinac 1839 at 20 years oldSt john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
djeca Thomas Gilliver (27 Listopad 1839 - okruglo 1900)

UID 44B71D4357A0224EBA40F8911C9251E428DD
Brojanje stanovništva1881Nottingham
Obavljeno krštenje13 Prosinac 1819 < 1 years oldSt John the Baptist Enderby Leics
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 194 years old

NotesTo check for birth death and family. Susan York web site 2 children


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