Individual Genealogy Record of Sarah Green

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Nacimiento1778Baslow Derbyshire
Bautismo8 Agosto 1778Baslow Derbyshire
DecesoSeptiembre Q 1857 en 79 añosLeicester
Sepultura30 Septiembre 1857Welford Rd cemetery .Living Lower Conduit St Leicester.

PadreMatthew Green (alrededor de 1740 - alrededor de 1820)
MadreMary Wild (alrededor de 1740 - alrededor de )

UnionEdward Spencer (24 Marzo 1776 - Marzo 1858)
Matrimonio20 Octubre 1799 en 21 añosSt john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Hijo(s) Charles Spencer (26 Octubre 1800 - después 1861)
William Spencer (alrededor de 1801 - alrededor de 1870)
Henry Spencer (17 Marzo 1802 - 31 Diciembre 1879)
Job Spencer (alrededor de 1805 - antes 1841)
Edward Spencer (1817 - 1891)

Parish Registers not clear a little guess work
UID 153E17E3A8B48046B0918284332FD7BCABA7
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Nota : Parish Registers not clear a little guess work
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Nombre : Bibliography
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Bautismo8 Agosto 1778 < 1 añosBaslow Derbyshire
Modificación18 Marzo 2013 en 235 años

Notes2.01.2009.Visited Baslow birthplace of Sarah.Very large village .It would always have been large for this was the old coach road for Sheffield Bakewell and Chesterfield.Visited the old church and saw the old Wesleyhan methodist Chapel.Some older house inthe village she could have set her eyes on.But a lot of new buildings.Baslow was part of the Chatsworth estate.


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