Individual Genealogy Record of Thomas Kirke

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First nameThomas
Last nameKirke
Рождение9 Октябрь 1709Humberstone Leicester
Baptism9 Октябрь 1709St Mary's Humberstone Leicester
Смертьо 1770 at 61 years old

FatherDionisius Kirke (20 Август 1676 - о 1716)
MotherAlice Winterton (8 Сентябрь 1679 - о 1740)

UID C90AE3E7A5DE95429BC6E57623DF8042770E
Baptism9 Октябрь 1709 < 1 years oldSt Mary's Humberstone Leicester
Change18 Март 2013 at 304 years old

NotesTo check for death wedding and family


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