Individual Genealogy Record of George Moore Abbey

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ImeGeorge Moore
ZanimanjeGrocer and Teatrader
Rođen/a28 Listopad 1832Selby Yorks
Obavljeno krštenje28 Listopad 1832Selby Abbey Yorks.
Umro/la1 Studeni 1859 at 27 years oldBond Gate Selby Yorks.
GrobnicaStudeni 1859Selby Yorks.

OtacJohn Abbey (18 Ožujak 1804 - Ožujak 1870)
MajkaSarah Moore (22 Svibanj 1803 - poslije 1851)

UnionHannah Abbey (1831 - okruglo 1900)
Sklop. brak19 Veljača 1854 at 22 years oldEastbrookChapel Bradford Yorks.
djeca Sarah Jane Abbey (15 Listopad 1854 - Prosinac 1860)
Henry Moore Abbey (20 Travanj 1856 - 15 Svibanj 1926)
Mary Abbey (okruglo 1858 - okruglo 1920)

UID 859E15020E391A4CB3F2197CCD4B679F3F57
Obavljeno krštenje28 Listopad 1832 < 1 years oldSelby Abbey Yorks.
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 181 years old

Notes1851 census Cowthorpe Yks James Rimmington 30yrs Grocer/Richard Rimmington6 Cornelius Rimmington 17yrs/George Moore Abbey 18yrs apprentice/ Elizabeth Abbey of Millgate informant of death middle name mother,s surname. 2 ADDR George Moore Abbey
1851/Cowthorpe Yks


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