Individual Genealogy Record of Robert Smith

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First nameRobert
Last nameSmith
Birthabout 1810Narborough Leics.
Deathabout 1870 at 60 years old


UnionElizabeth Bradshaw (8 April 1810 - about 1870)
MarriageOctober 18 1832 at 22 years oldSt John the Baptist Enderby Leics
Child/Children Rehabath Smith (about 1833 - about 1900)
Mahala Smith (1834)
Edward Smith (about 1836 - about 1900)
William Smith (about 1839 - about 1900)
Lois Smith (about 1840 - about 1900)
Robert Smith (about 1845 - about 1910)
James Smith (1850 - about 1930)
Henry Smith (1853 - about 1930)
Susan Bradshaw (1853 - about 1930)

UID 3F6715DE28C60E41BFAD15761F4750B033BC
ChangeMarch 18 2013 at 203 years old

Notes1841 census living with in laws William and susannah Bradshaw Robert 30/Elizabeth 30/Mahala 7/Edward 5/William 3/Lois 1/1851 census Church laeNarborough Robert 40/Elizabeth 40/Rohalath18/Edward15/william 12/lois 11/John 8/Robert 6/James 1/1861 census Conery lane EnderbyRobert 50/Elizabeth 49/Robert 15/James 12/Henry 8/Susan8. To check for birth death wedding an family, Also on folio 333 Francis Smith 49yrs/Mary Smith 43yrs/James Smith 1yr John Smith 8yr What relationship to Robert Must Check.


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