Individual Genealogy Record of William Spence

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Geboorte1797Enderby Leics.
Overlijdencirca 1860 aan 63 jaar oud

VaderThomas Spence (circa 1760 - circa 1820)
Moeder Wife (circa 1760 - circa 1820)

UnieMary Spence (1796 - circa 1860)
Huwelijkcirca 1820
Kind(eren) Elizabeth Spence (circa 1826 - circa 1890)
Ann Spence (circa 1827 - 23 augustus 1912)
Martha Spence (circa 1833 - circa 1900)

UID E373BCF362CA3348A8C1DEB8B2305CB29B6D
Verandering18 maart 2013 aan 216 jaar oud

Notesto check for birth death and wedding.Guessing that he belongs to this couple. 1851 census index no 364/52 william 54yrs


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