Individual Genealogy Record of Mary Tansley

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First nameMary
Last nameTansley
Рождениео 1760
СмертьCA 1785 at 25 years oldAylestone Leics.
Погребение8 Апрель 1785St Andrew's Aylestone Leics.


UnionRobert Tansley (о 1730 - о 1785)
Бракпосле ER 1781
Child/Children William Tansley (1778 - после 1841)
Benjamin Tansley (1784 - о 1850)
Ann Tansley (1785 - 1785)

UID 14F18C9118880841B3B7A00FF56DEC60D2EC
Change18 Март 2013 at 253 years old

NotesCould be first wife of son? I will keep checking may come up with answer.


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