Individual Genealogy Record of Mary Spencer

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Rođen/a1735 OR 1736Enderby Leics.
Obavljeno krštenje4 Siječanj 1736St John the Baptist's Enderby Leior 1737
Umro/la7 Kolovoz 1808 at 72 years oldEnderby Leics.
Grobnica7 Kolovoz 1808St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.

OtacWilliam Spencer (1711 - Siječanj 1776)
MajkaMary Cooke (15 Kolovoz 1719 - 1798)

UnionThomas Spence (okruglo 1729 - 1806)
Sklop. brak1 Studeni 1756 at 20 years oldSt John the Baptist Enderby Leics
djeca Thomas Spence (okruglo 1760 - okruglo 1820)
Edward Spence (Ožujak 1764 - okruglo 1820)
John Spence (Siječanj 1769 - okruglo 1830)
George Spence (26 Srpanj 1772 - 13 Srpanj 1858)
Jane Spence (29 Listopad 1774 - okruglo 1820)
Johnathan Spence (Studeni 1776 - okruglo 1840)

UID 4C81BE0F673D7B45A60ED42CAB9E1F95AFE3
Obavljeno krštenje4 Siječanj 1736 < 1 years oldSt John the Baptist's Enderby Leior 1737
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 277 years old

NotesIn fathers will given 5 pounds also after death of his wife house Edward Spence gr son of william apprentice to his grandfather given 20 shillings purchase of some shirts when he gos apprentice.carpenter


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