Individual Genealogy Record of Joseph Dale

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BeroepFarmers boy1881/1901 busdriver
Geboorte1869Somerby Leics.
Overlijdencirca 1940 aan 71 jaar oud

VaderJohn Dale (circa 1829 - december 1904)
MoederRachael Ward (circa 1829 - juni 1919)

UnieAnn Dale (1866 - circa 1950)
Huwelijkcirca 1886
Kind(eren) George Dale (1887 - circa 1970)
Thomas Dale (1888 - circa 1970)
Joseph Dale (1891 - 1980)

UID EE26B73EBFF49D48A653493DAB39141A3251
Verandering18 maart 2013 aan 144 jaar oud

NotesChild Mary A 7mths With his Mother. 1891
1901 census Joseph 33/Ann35/George 14/THomas 13/Joseph 10.87Hawthorne st Leicester


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