Individual Genealogy Record of Nicholas Green

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Doop22 mei 1774Baslow Derbyshire.
Overlijdenna ER 1841 aan 67 jaar oudto check

VaderMatthew Green (circa 1740 - circa 1820)
MoederMary Wild (circa 1740 - circa )

UnieSarah Green (circa 1770 - na 1841)
Huwelijkcirca 1813
Kind(eren) Nicholas Green (circa 1813 - circa 1890)

UID 9520E125A047C545B895A7B46841701784A6
Doop22 mei 1774 < 1 jaar oudBaslow Derbyshire.
Verandering18 maart 2013 aan 239 jaar oud

Notes1841 census Nicholas68/Sarah71/living Nicholas s quare. Leicsester.Living with them a Mary Harvey68.


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