Individual Genealogy Record of Thomas Spencer

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Geboorte3 juli 19048Coroporation St Enderby Leics.
Doop?Primitive Methodist Enderby Leics.
Overlijdencirca 1990 aan 86 jaar oudNuneaton Warks

VaderWilliam Spencer (7 februari 1881 - 21 december 1931)
MoederAlice Abbey (26 januari 1881 - 10 maart 1964)

UnieIvy Brothwood (circa 1905 - circa 1990)
Huwelijkjuni Q 1934Leicester
Kind(eren) Joy Spencer

UID AE87578BE2161F4C89D0F346749E5048B6A0
Plaats : Primitive Methodist Enderby Leics.
Verandering18 maart 2013 aan 109 jaar oud

Notesnamed after his paternal gr/father To check for death and wedding. Great fun. He called me a buxom wench.Saw him just before he died loved him to bits.Sylvia. 1 _TODO
2 DESC see note
2 NOTE death date to find about1980,


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