Individual Genealogy Record of Howard Spencer

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Rođen/a21 Srpanj 1932Enderby Leics.
Umro/la26 Siječanj 2008 at 76 years oldAnstey Leicester

OtacFoster Spencer (24 Rujan 1877 - 25 Siječanj 1937)
MajkaJennie Kilsby (okruglo 1895 - 8 Listopad 1932)

UnionMary Rushin
djeca Christopher Spencer
Laura Spencer

UID 052964D0A34A784E9FB66DB60A67E7D9BE11
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Informacije o datoteci : Howard Irene Lily.JPG
Format datoteke : JPG
: N
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 81 years old

Notes26.01.2008.Howard died suddenly in Anstey this morning.He was shopping with his wife Mary when he collapsed.God rest your good soul Howard for you were like a brother to me.Your Mother died at your birth Please God you are at last in her arms.Sylvia 2 ADDR Mary Spencer
12 Cater Close
Leicestershire le7 7ad
2 PHON 01152355849


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