Individual Genealogy Record of Ann Spencer

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Doğumtemmuz 1773Enderby Leics.
Vaftiztemmuz 1773St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Ölümtakribî 1820 - 47 yaşındaEnderby Leics.

BabaJoseph Spencer (1732 - 1797)
AnneGrace Kinds (takribî 1732 - 1809)

UID 022E98A5FEDFC94E8D2FDB32B81522627B2A
Vaftiztemmuz 1773St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Değiştirme18 mart 2013 - 240 yaşında

NotesTo check for death wedding and family Enderby Buriels John Oram illigitimate son of a Ann Spencer 8.5.1799 ?


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