Individual Genealogy Record of William Young

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Doğum12 ocak 1560Enderby Leics
Vaftiz12 ocak 1560St John the Baptist's Enderby Leics
Ölümtakribî 1620 - 60 yaşında

BabaWilliam Young (takribî 1534 - takribî 1600)
AnneGrace Young (takribî 1540 - takribî 1600)

UID FAC58361DD21D64BBD987A9345A7E68B8133
Vaftiz12 ocak 1560 < 1 yaşındaSt John the Baptist's Enderby Leics
Değiştirme18 mart 2013 - 453 yaşında

NotesMary Young 1599 to William Another Mary 1602 Birth or death? Patient Young 9.12.1599 to William Margett 18.9.1602 to William Benjamin Young 27.6.1607 to William death of another Benjamin29.6.1606-1606 William young 1600-1600 Thomas Young 1600-1600-another Thomas Young 1603-1606 Roger Young 28.feb1622 no father entered


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